Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Familiarity Night and Great Touring

at prambanan temple

at RM.ambar ketawang- jogja

familiarity and great night touring the department of HRD work program aimed at strengthening the relationship between the organizer and members.
Our first destination is to study bandingl to the Gadjah Mada university there we share around the English club, then a trip to Yogyakarta palace who happened out organized java wedding Sultan Hamengkubuwono children, then we have lunch  RM.kalasan on the way to the prambanan temple that there we practice the skills our English language. about 5 o'clock we headed djava bakpia center to shop for souvenirs. Next we headed malioboro but because of the anniversary of Jogja and the entire community together so that the traffic was crawling. At 10 pm we wrap into purwokerto and arrived at 2 AM. really a very impressive touring :D

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